With AdvancedTrades, your villagers can also trade commands instead of items.
Add commands setting under tradeResult section and set your commands there. Example of commands section:
commands: # If command reward is set, only commands will be ran when trading, # read more at https://trades.advancedplugins.net/configuration/commands
- 'give %player% diamond_sword 1 name:&cCommand_Sword'
Example of this command setting in full trade:
tradeResult: # Item which villager will offer in exchange of trade ingredients
experience: 5 # Experience gained by villager with this trade, read more at https://trades.advancedplugins.net/trades/levels
item: # Item will not be given when traded, if command reward is set, read more at https://trades.advancedplugins.net/configuration/commands
amount: 1
name: '&cCommand Sword'
- '&dExclusive from &dVillagers'
- 'Sharpness:5'
- 'Unbreaking:2'
commands: # If command reward is set, only commands will be ran when trading, # read more at https://trades.advancedplugins.net/configuration/commands
- 'give %player% diamond_sword 1 name:&cCommand_Sword'